Thursday, February 24, 2011

A place to vent or a place to share ideas?

What is seen as a forum to "vent" has gotten this teacher in some trouble.Thoughts?
"Teacher strikes nerve with 'lazy whiners' blog: My students are out of control,' teacher wrote in one post, drawing a suspension."


  1. Oh boy, this one really struck a chord with me. The former student of this accused teacher says, "...It's a teacher's job, however, to give students the motivation to learn." It IS??? What about the parents? I can't give students motivation?! I can give them opportunities, but the motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, is completely within the student and family.

    The teacher's attorney states, "It's so general that it applies to the problems in school districts and schools across the country." Her blog doesn't call certain students out, doesn't make fun of kids, or degrade them, but merely points out the awful truth about how kids are functioning in schools today - they're NOT.

    I don't always know how to engage kids, but if I can at least speak to them like they're human and give them the benefit of the doubt that they want to do the right thing, then I feel I've at least attempted to connect with them.

  2. Oh boy, sadly, this is the case everywhere I feel like. TEachers are frustrated because students are increasingly less interested in school while also being very unmotivated. Furthermore, I do not believe the involvement or influence of parents is near where it used to be. Until parents start taking more ownership in their kids education and their kids actions, teachers will continue to deal with more unmotivated, undriven students.

  3. I think if my students were ever out of control I would never admit it publicly. One of the strengths of a good teacher is to have strong classroom management skills, even for the "rowdiest" of students. I agree that motivation comes from within, but sometimes we can motivate by finding out what they will work for and dangle that in front of them. It could be eating lunch with their favorite teacher/coach, earning a chocolate shake, a trip to the mall, or a Happy Meal. I'm not saying we do this for all our students (that would be too expensive), just the ones that may not be getting the motivational support or direction due to poor parental involvement.

  4. I honestly think that the internet is a bad way to voice any public opinion about your students. I agree with MillerTime- I think it is almost embarrassing to her as a teacher to admit her lack of control in her own office.
